So that the desire to save money does not turn into an overpayment, choose a conscientious moving company with average market prices and discuss all the details of the move in advance. You will select the right number of highly qualified movers so that the move does not drag on. They will offer a van of a suitable volume for a smaller number of walkers. The car will be served a little later than the brigade arrives so that you do not pay for a simple one.

It is more profitable to order packing materials in the same place where the move is. You can also save time if the packaging is delivered to you the day before, so that your personal belongings can be prepared for loading.

A great way to save money is to pay by the hour instead of a flat rate. Professionals cope with their duties faster and better, they never intentionally waste time. You can also help them if you take care of convenient parking. The closer to the entrance you take a place, the faster they will load, unload and release the truck. In narrow yards, to save time, it is better to replace a large van with two smaller ones.

A turnkey move absolutely does not require your participation in the process, so it is indispensable if you experience a lack of time and effort, do not know how to properly and securely pack or technically competently disconnect and disassemble the property during the move. Most often, this service is ordered by constantly busy businessmen, as well as women with children.

All you need is to call the moving company and list the things that need to be moved. The manager calculates the number of movers, packages and the volume of the cargo van, after which he reports the cost. A team of professionals, including electricians, plumbers and furniture makers, comes and does all the work for you – from packing personal belongings and utensils to dismantling and packing furniture and household appliances. At the destination, everything is collected again and placed in the places indicated by you, personal belongings are laid out on the shelves!

The cost of moving includes the work of the crew and vehicles, as well as the cost of packaging materials. Only a competent combination of these components will ensure the move in the shortest possible time and at the lowest price.

The best time for an inexpensive move is between morning and evening rush hours, when elevators and roads are less busy. Order packing in advance so that personal belongings, dishes and other less-demanded household items are already packed by the time the movers arrive. Sign the boxes to understand how to arrange them in a new place. Put your personal car closer to the entrance of the house to reserve a place for the truck, and at the same time reduce loading time due to the shorter distance to the entrance. And most importantly: choose your company carefully. Look for someone who is interested in saving you all the hassle of moving, not just making more money.